
November 2000


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Well, the champions have all been crowned, and this season of BattleBots on Comedy Central is over except for the rest of the Rumbles, to be shown next Tuesday at 10pm. I have updated the San Francisco 2000 Event Report with the winner results, but I need your help. I was only able to fill in the results of the matches that were aired on Comedy Central, so I need to know all the non-aired match results, if you can help out with these specifics, please let me know.


Keegan Hutto, a promising robot builder in the making, has made a new version of his Lego 'Minimare', modeled after my robots Backlash and Nightmare, check out Minimare 2001! Great job, Keegan!
I had a chance to meet Keegan and his dad briefly at the recent BattleBots event in Las Vegas, and was pleased to see a TON of robot-building energy and potential in this little guy! Keep up the great work, Keegan!


My long overdue "Special Thanks" for the help in getting my robots through the recent Las Vegas BattleBots event: These guys were a HUGE help to me, and deserve extra gratitude and recognition.

- Don Lariviere for his fantastic work on cutting out Nightmare's new disc
- Dan Cherney for his excellent machining and long hours on Nightmare's new teeth
- Ramon Ebert for all his hard work on the Team Nightmare pit crew and beyond
- Todd Mendenhall for his great work on Nightmare's weapon motor, motor mount and other work, prepared by the SORC Workshop. (If you need similar work done, you can contact Todd at